Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Circus - not quite what I remembered

So what do you think of when you anticipate the circus? Maybe....
Lions and tigers - trained by a man with a whip?
Tight rope walkers high over nets below?
Elephants doing tricks?
Trapzee People making the audience gasp with every swing?
Humans doing CRAZY stunts- muscleman, etc.?
Clowns and dogs... or something funny of the sort?
Ladies standing on horses going around the ring?
People shooting out of cannons? Especially if it is called Boom-A-Ling, right?
Am I crazy? We went to Barnum Bailey and Ringling Bros. - The Greatest Show on EARTH!
We went with Jack and his boys - Jack and Jakoby. Gabe loves his buddies. :)
Me with my little loves- Gav, Grant and Gabe and the TALL, Stilt man
My brother Andy and his son Lance also came! Seems impressive at the PRE-SHOW!!!
Grant on the Bike of the Stuntman - very cool. :)
Corey after visiting the clowns- and they gave out hats and noses to all! WAY COOL.
Gavin LOVING the clown get-up!
Gabe RIDICULOUSLY excited for circus.... YIPPEE!!!!!
The $8 frickin' dollar snowcones (yup- we bought 3) Ha, ha- when in Rome... Yup- so fun

And then the show starts... We are expecting something great. Radical.... BOOM-A-LING!!!
Some (3) horses run around the ring and some (2) camels run around the ring in each direction.
Here are the tightrope people. Not high, not the impressive. Hmmmm..... ;)
Hair swinging ladies, attached by their hair. Interesting.
After them came the cats... no, NOT LIONS, kitty cats and some unimpressive tricks.
**What the???? Are you freaking KIDDING? Kitties!!!!! Moving on.
Followed by a cannon of....... wait for it....... confetti!!! for the men jumping through hoops of fire. Cool, but not too much wow!
And the grand finale, 3 elephants doing some cool tricks. That was it folks. Fun, but not great. I truly think insurance/safety regulations has killed this circus. Probably don't waste your money, unless the tickets are FREE, or you are just too rich to care. :) Anywho, fun- but not great!
Still the kids didn't know any better- so it was great to them. Corey and I just kept laughing at how unimpressive it was due to the "OLD" circus. Kitties-- seriously... :)

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