Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Treehouse Jump, Guess they trust their Daddy!

Our treehouse was one day away from being finished. Corey wanted me to come and watch something, and OH, get the camera. *to preface this ~ Corey is always explaining to the boys that they need to trust him. He will take care of his boys because he loves them, etc. and the boys have done plenty of jumping to Daddy but still....*
Here is Gabe in the red shirt standing on top of the treehouse, getting ready to jump to his beloved Daddy!
Corey tells him to jump and... Gabe jumps faithfully to his Daddy. No Fear, only Trust!
And sure enough there Gabe lands, safely in his father's arms. Amen, and WHEW!
I am still trying to learn about faith and trust with my heavenly Father. No wonder God tells us to have faith like a child!

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