Not to shabby for having done nothing to them except plant the bulbs.
The tree house.... best outdoor expense EVER!
1. 1 year- wean from nursing- slowly but deliberately
2. 1 year- snip the tops of each pacifier- when they realize they don't suck, they show me that they are broken and I tell them to throw it away. When they want it later I tell them that they already threw it away. Never has been an issue.
3. 2 years- lose the crib and into a "big" boy crib, and in exchange let them chew (monitored) gum since they are a big boy.
4. 2 years- potty-trained (start at 20 months and trained by 2 years.)
5. 3 years- stop dressing/being naked in front of them.
So my boys still want to shower with me some mornings, I don't mind, but they are too old to be taking a typical shower with me. I decided, "No big deal. I will put on my swimsuit, and we can all shower."
So we made hand print butterflies.
To make:
1. Have the child spread out both hands with thumbs together.
2. Adult traces and cuts out lableling date and name on back!
3. Time to paint. The easiest way to paint in my humble opinion is: buy crayola washable paint ($5 @ Target for about 7/8? colors), put some of each color on a paper plate or if out, a coffee filter.
4. Hand children paint brushes and have them paint, squeezing off the colors when they switch! 5. Glue on googly eyes and we put on pom-poms.