Thursday, May 20, 2010

A random rant over an epidemic of LAZY parenting

*Yesterday at the zoo with my 2 smallest monkeys where I once again heard, "Double Trouble."

A small rant from a MOM who loves her kiddos:

I find it so offensive when people comment "Double Trouble" or "There's Trouble" when they see the twins (Gavin and Grant) or me with 3 small boys. I TRULY feel that my kids are such a blessing. They make me a better person - less selfish, more loving, cheerfully able to give and to find happiness in the little things.

My kids are NOT trouble. They have been taught/trained to be obedient, kind boys who will hopefully grow up to love and follow God with all of their hearts.

I did not want to just HAVE kids. Corey and I desired to RAISE and TRAIN our children. Now, that takes work and time, patience and love - but the payoff is huge!!! And so WORTH IT!!!! We have three boys aren't perfect, but so GOOD! They are fun, happy, sweet, kind-hearted, obedient, hilarious, thoughtful, helpful and respectful. *Spoken like a true parent - I know! :)

The problem with many is that good kids have good parents who put in LOTS/LOADS of time. This is NOT time with the children parked in front of a video game or the TV. This is quality time playing games (Candyland at our stage) and teaching them how to be a gracious winner and have a good attitude when you lose. Playing with them and guiding them through sharing, compromising, etc. Actually playing with them- yes, building forts in the living room and coming up with a plan to work together. Baking cookies and taking turns dumping ingredients in, and then cleaning up together with teamwork.

I think that many find their children hard to be with because their children aren't responsive or respectful to the parents. Then when the kids are disobedient, the parents want to spend even LESS time with the children. Resulting in less time training/guiding the children in acceptable social behavior. What the parents aren't seeing is the long-term need of this. Children who are kind and respectful have more friends, an easier time in school and result in happier children. What a gift to your child. What it takes is LOADS of time and effort and then eventually they "Get It!" Then it is only "maintenance" and EVERYONE notices the change.

That is my favorite compliment! When my children are noticed for how well their behavior is that makes me BEAM, because I was able to instill in my children something that will last and will guide them through life. Lastly, Corey and I thoroughly enjoy our children. They are easy to take places and FUN!! We KNOW children are truly a blessing from the LORD!!!!
Psalms 127:3-5

RANT OVER!!! Please Note: I do have pretty easy children. None of them are extremely strong willed. So this is from my experience only. Please DO NOT feel any judgement. I have not walked in your shoes and have not worked with your child. Please just feel support and hope that your work is NOT in vain and it will pay off. Time spent with our children is NEVER A WASTE!!! God Bless. Hugs ~ K

* Leave me a comment please! What do you think?*


Mindy said...

Karen- Your boys are truly amazing! I have never come across such well behaved, sweet, smart, loving little kids in my life! They are a joy to spend time with because they listen and obey when asked to do something. These three little boys scream "my parents love me and take the time it requires to raise amazing children!" Kudos to you and Corey, you are something Kevin and I will strive to be with our kiddos!!!!

Heidi said...

What a great post girlfriend! I give you credit for being so intentional in the way you and Corey are raising those sweet boys!

Honestly, something that has kind of *bugged* me lately is when people say, "oh, you're so lucky Oliver is an *easy* baby", especially when we were traveling or eating out or going to the movies etc. We are lucky to an extent, he IS easy because he is healthy, happy, etc. But, I feel like we put A LOT of work into creating routines, expectations, etc., which make our day to day life EASY. It's not just luck, you know? I got that comment so much when we were traveling and when we returned and I was kind of like, "um, well, I planned for that trip for 3 months...working on his sleep training, planning his transition to formula and solid foods, etc". Hello? I'd like some credit! It's not all because he's "easy"! :-)

Now I'm on a rant! All of this to say, it is hard work and I don't think GOOD kids just raise themselves, it is a lot of work and I think you guys are doing an AWESOME job! I'm sure I'll be asking for some parenting tips over the next several months!

Laurel said...

What I told you on the tele, I was going to write here. Keep doing what you're doing! Your hard work is and will continue to pay off. You are an inspiration to me.

mickey said...

Thanks for the pics of those sweet boys. Wish we could see them in action. What you wrote is so true. When they get to be teens it will be lots of 'yes' and few 'no',
Hugs and Kisses for you all.
Aunt Mickey and Uncle Dave