Thursday, July 28, 2011

My wedding in a few quick photos... Don't laugh...

The tents for drinks and food

All of our best lady and guy friends

Me giddy with anticipation with my handsome dad

OMG! Here we go!!

Up front with my Dream Guy

The kids... yes, my neice cried all the way down...

The men...

My besties...

Rings and vows

A kiss...

It's official, I am a WIFE

A little cake with a ton of GRINNING HAPPENING... gosh were we happy!

The toasts (er... roasts) And dancing with the man I love...

** and here I am now. Still in love, but now on 10 years, 1 day of marriage to Mr. Wonderful!


Heidi said...

Karen, I love these pics! So sweet! It's fun to see you (and Maren & Erika) 10 years ago!

Chris and Sarah said...

So fun!! Larry R. Basham is making intense eye contact in one of those shots... you all look fantastic!