Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Camping in Bend 2009

Camping in Bend was fabulous. It was our first camping trip since Gavin and Grant have been born. Here we are in front of our new tent!

All 3 of the boys were CRAZY about camping. They love the great out doors.
Oh and the POOLS!

Here is Grant trying to get me dirty.

Here is Grant after putting on his sunscreen, then playing in the dusty dirt. He looks like he had war paint on!!

Here are the YOUNGER ladies! Ashley, Judy and ME. We were watching the kiddos play and cheering on the teams at our "Lasso Ball Tournament!"

Gabe loved camping, was sad to leave, and LOVED his 2 new buddies.

Here are Lewis, Gabe and Nolan are eating popcorn. Yes they are hiding with the popcorn! :)

AND the lasso ball tournament begins!
Karen VS. Don (I won!) :)

Corey VS. Judy (Corey won!)

Sandy VS. Jonathan (Jonathan won!)
But seriously, look at Sandy's tongue.
All in all, we had the best time all summer. We all could have stayed another couple of days! Boy do we love summer!

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