Reasons why winter can be tolerated/possibly even enjoyed!
1. The crockpot ~ I love that my house smells like I have been slaving away, the meat is fail-proof delicious and I am free to goof around on the computer instead of making dinner that night! Ha! :)
2. Everyone else is WHITE like me. I don't stand out so obvious "This woman doesn't tan!!" Ya, lots of other people are WHITE like me!
3. Sweaters, I love them. Plus I have a thing for Gymboree sweaters on my boys. I get to dress them up, especially around Christmas time ~ another winter bestie!
4. Long sleeves - no worrying about the underarm dingle dangle. YIKES ~ tanktops would stress me out at the present moment!
5. My fireplace- Ahh... I love it. I like to heat up the living room to like eighty and pretend spring and summer is coming soon!
6. Cocoa- everymorning, ahhh... I mean when we come in from a cold romp in the snow. Nothing can beat a mug of hot cocoa with WHIP!
7. Candles ~ warm, pretty and make the house smell delicious.
8. Shaving- ummm.... yeah I don't shave my legs very often in the winter (read- hardly EVAH!!!)
9. Swimsuit- not worn very much so less stress when I am WHITE and haven't been exercising much (like really - it's crappy weather and I don't want to break my neck out there!)
10. Scarves- I love them and have a boatload, so I have a reason to sport these flashy little beauties!
So happy freakin' winter to y'all! Spring is coming~ someday, I think; maybe! Please God, I need some sun and well my monkeys are dying to be outside and I want to GARDEN without SNOW!
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