Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Where has the time gone?  Six years ago out "popped" THIS!!!
Ya know- with no drugs, no epideral, the crazy way.

He was perfect, healthy and began a fast paced parent training bootcamp.  WHEW!  That was a fast and furious learning curve. 
 This precious little one made me a mommy and he had my heart wrapped around his tiny finger by the time he was 1 minute old.  My precious Gabriel...  I love you so much,  always have, always will.
 Here you are at your 1st birthday!  That was fast, and so fun.  My little man....
 Then I blink, have 2 more sweet babes and you TURNED TWO!!!  That was quite a year.  You are so smart, were potty-trained and the kindest, sweet boy and brother anyone could ever want.  We can't help but to BURST with pride over you!
 You are THREE???  What the_____________????  No way, when did my baby grow up. 
 My Gabriel is 4 now, and began preschool.  It was a big year for him, and our heart swells with more love, more pride, and more enjoyment watching you grow into a healthy little boy.  You are so thougthful and kind.  I know you don't get into trouble little man, you are eager to please and love to BE with people.  I love you Mr. Gabe.
He is growing a mile a minute and time seems to have gotten JAMMED into high speed/fast forward.  You are five here!!  FIVE buddy.  Please stop growing up.  I want to savor every minute of your mommy and daddy being your most precious hero, loving snuggles, cuddles, whispers of I LOVE YOU MOMMY, beggings for ONE MORE HUG/ONE MORE KISS.  I love the slight, flirtatous little waves to mommy through the pre-school window and kisses blown from the bus windows.  Oh how I love you Gabe.
 Look at our 5 year old little pirate.  He is ready to take on the world.
 Our family is complete and BEST when all 5 of us are together.  Yes, that is when we are at our best.  Together, surrounded by all the love and blessings in our lives.  You, my sweet little family are my greatest blessing.
And today you turn SIX.  March 28th... one of the BEST days of my life.  You make my life brighter.  Go after the moon.  Reach for the stars.  They are there for the taking sweet Gabe.  You are my sunshine.  I love you Gabriel Thomas ~ 

Always and forever,
xoxo  ~ Mommy

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