Here is our first snow of the year -- February 2012
We don't always get snow, and I wasn't sure how long it would stick so I woke the boys up and we played outside in the (EARLY) morning.
It wasn't much snow - but with a 2 hr. late start, AM kindergarten was cancelled and so we played, built snowman and drank cocoa with WHIP!
I was content with 1 snow fall. It was fun and beautiful.
Skip ahead to March 1st. Hmmm... SNOW!! Again. 2 hr. late start -- AM kindy cancelled!! Woohoo! Let's play!
We bundle over our fleece jammies.
We add coats, fleece socks, hats and mittens! Let's do it!
We quickly began building snowmen. I was teaching them how to roll! The snow was wet, and rolled perfect!
We played on the snowy equipment. Kinda fun...
Made a snow angel!
And another!
And another!
My boys then attempted the DEATH slide.
YUP- fun, fast, and you land in a crumpled HEAP! They loved it!
"Mom, we are getting cold."
"Mom, my hands are cold. I want cocoa."
We checked out my flowers-- ahhh, sad! We thought spring was coming!
I went in and made cocoa while Gabe and the boys decided that they would make ONE more snowman for my Uncle (who lives across the street) and a snowdog! Pretty Cute. Fun last snow of the year (as I labeled my pictures.)
OH WAIT!! It just snowed last week.
Here we go again - 2 hours late. No AM kindy.
So we bundle over PJs,
Throw some snowballs (until someone cries- then game over)
Smile while having a BLAST!
Thank God for the gift of snow,
Taste a little bit,
and then of course build no less than 4 snowman (2 in our yard- 2 in Uncle Brad's).
Then call it a morning and warm up with cocoa!
Kinda glad to be done with slushy snow, gloves everywhere and heading into warmer weather (PLEASE!) So while we love our snow, it's time to go. Spring- BRING IT!