Friday, December 3, 2010

Some Drama for this Mama!

Water, Water Everywhere. Over here and over there. Water, Water, Stop the Flow, Why did you have to Blow!!!!
So sweet Gabriel and I were making Sugar Cookies. Tis' the Season, right? When above the Kitchen -Aid we hear a loud THUMP. I shut off the mixer. Was it the door? I listen and hear a peculiar noise and then I see it. GUSHING.... FLOODING... Out from under my sink. Not a stream a MASSIVE flood. What the WHAT?!?! Ahh.... Crap....
I start hollering hysterically. Gabe get a bucket. (He can't find one.) I fly out to the garage and grab a little gray one. It fills in 8 seconds. I yell to Gabe to shut off the washing machine. Just push POWER. He does to no avail. Gabe begins FREAKING out, as the water is a 1 inch deep river filling the left half of the kitchen and entering the laundry room. Gabriel and I FRANTICALLY empty out our apple buckets and put the blue apple bucket and mop bucket in the kitchen. I called Corey, "How do I turn off the water to the house!!!" He shouts back, " In our room, under my closet, turn the knob all the way." I sprint like an Olypic Athlete to the room, muscle everything out of the way and turn off the water. Wowza!
Gabe and I then begin the clean-up. Although Gabe is freaked to go near the sink now, thanks to our mini flood. I also got to speak to insurance and the In-Sink-erater people. Sheesh... Drama for this Mama.
Thank heavens for the world's largest apple bucket or we would have been sunk.
Towel anyone?

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my worst nightmares!! Did it do any further damage? to drywall or anything? Ugh. I can hardly stand to think about it!!! lol. If that happened in my kitchen, it would drip down through the floorboards (of my 150+ yr. old farmhouse) into the earthen basement.


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