Friday, December 3, 2010

Lightning Strike anyone?

What is up? The lightning last Saturday was louder than anything I have ever heard. I was making dinner, just calling the fam to the table, when I walk by our sliding glass door, only to have a near heart-attack. A white blinding light (I thought it was a bomb) and a boom so loud that I screamed and felt it on my insides. Corey starts checking things out and my little ones freak out. I calm them down and tell Corey that we need to check out the park tomorrow. I know the grass will be singed. I SWEAR lightning HIT right over in the park.
YUP, it did!
So, when I see a cop checking out the park on Sunday I tell Corey, "Please, go check it out. I KNOW that it is about the lightning." Corey jogs over.
Here is what you see......
Police tape around the area with the tallest tree in the park in the middle.
Lightning marks are burned down both sides of the tree, top to bottom.
One can see through the tree.
Branches are on the ground.
HUGE pieces of burned tree bark are everywhere.
Seriously, do you see the lines, and the downed branches.
We took pieces of the bark, ya know, because it is OUR park.
I can't explain how loud the noise was, but I am slightly glad that it happened. Such an amazing sight to see/witness. Too bad my boys are obsessed with the BIG BOOM and terrified of rain now, due to chance of thunderstorms.

Just a little more drama for the Cowart Clan. You know, in case life was ever boring!


  1. Ok, so that is SPOOOOKY!!! Yikes! PS - your blog got a cute face lift!!!

  2. We've had lightening strike our barn before. Crazy scary!! It blew out our electric fencer for the horses, but thankfully no other damage. I think I jumped out of my bed, blankets, pajamas, and nearly out of my skin, though! lol.

  3. Wow Lisa, that is WILD. Isn't the loudness UNREAL!!!! Glad it was the barn and not the house!


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