Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wrapping up Fall 2010!

I am learning how fleeting childhood is. My "babies" are growing up before my eyes. It is exciting and sad, proud and heartbreaking to watch these little ones develop and grow. Personalities are so strong and distinct. I am thrilled and treasure my little ones. Here Gavin and Grant are at 2 1/2 years old.
Gavin is on the left, Grant is on the right.
June 2010

Here are my 3 little ones. Gavin - 2 and 1/2, Gabe - 4, Grant - 2 and 1/2
My three favorite little guys on this planet
Now, here is Gabe at 4 and 1/2 with Grant and Gavin perched on top!

I loved these FALL FISHIN' shirts. They were so handsome!

As fall is coming to a close, I KNOW that I am blessed richly by God for these precious "angel babies" in my life. Corey and I are thee luckiest parents to have such sweet, kind-hearted children. My heart is FULL!

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