Tuesday, December 14, 2010

A Day Late and a Dollar Short: Thankfulness Challenge 5

So, I have been doing Brittany's Challenge from the HIGH-HEELED HOUSEWIFE BLOG on thankfulness.

This week's challenge is to celebrate your favorite part of your home! Spend extra time and attention there and fill it with holiday cheer.

I am NOT normal, nothing new. I like the kitchen, like my living room, BUT I love my bedroom. ** I know most people LOVE the kitchen. The kitchen is a lot of work to me.*** The colors are relaxing, the bed inviting, and well with 3 young boys (who I am constantly asked if they are triplets - 3 TIMES today!) I am tired and need my sleep. I think of it as TWIN-SOMNIA. My husband and I love to relish the quiet of our room at night. I pray in there, read my bible in there, made some babies in there, laugh and giggle with my best friend over the episodes of the day and snuggle the world's most precious boys in there each morning. Yup, I feel the love. My room also has the computer, so I can blog and decompress in here too!

I will try to keep the room a calm haven for my handsome husband and myself. Heavens knows that we need it after chasing 3 young tornadoes daily, all day long... NON-STOP! :)

Oh, I am so thankful for my room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Oooh, I am with you girlfriend! I often tell Tony how much I love our bedroom and how much more I use it as a respite vs. our bedroom in our old home!

  2. Hey, and your bedroom is stunning my friend. I love the colors, decor and EURO (french? or not :) theme you chose. Feel proud it looks amazing!

  3. Great blog! Your family is beautiful...I found you through Brittany @ The High-Heeled Housewife! I'll be following ya from now on! Have a blessed day!


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