Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Tree Farm 2010 - TIMBER!

TODAY IS THE DAY! I love family time, Christmas time, and Christmas trees. We headed up to Farrell Farms in Washougal on a December Weekend. It was moderately warm so no winter coats needed. BONUS!!!! We grabbed a tie with our name on it, a saw and our tribe of boys in their new, red moose outfits.

Off we went to scout the perfect tree!
Our smallest helpers. Tenacious Gavin and Pensive Grant!

The testosterone of the Cowart Family holding a manly saw.

Here is the whole family: group shot with the camera balance on, yup, another tree. Plenty of those around!

SUCCESS! We picked a short(ish), F-A-T, beautiful tree! See videos below!

My 4 favorite men on the planet.

Our little fatty getting a quick SHAKE!!

It was LOUD!

Gavin mesmorized!

Grant not liking the noise.

Gabe happy to watch!

Wrapping up our tree. Not so fat now, huh?

Rewarding ourselves with some cocoa and candycanes by the bonfire! Ahh... I love the fire and hot goodness.

Mirror image those two little monkeys.

Guzzling down the cocoa like nobody's business. Gabe is sitting so sweetly, but truthfully I wouldn't let Gavie and Grant-Grant sit up by a fire. Too dangerous and they are somewhat wiggly = a potentially BAD combination.

Karen with Gabe and Grant. I am wearing skinny jeans and trendy boots. A big step ANY day!

Gavin's smile.

Gavin's sad face.

Gavin's surprised face.

Here's Grant's smile.

Grant's sad face.

Grant's mean face. Hmm...
Grant's surprised face.

Another great day, another busy day, another new, favorite, PRICELESS memory of our family's afternoon together. God we pray for many more days like these!

My videos popped up backwards. Bottom first, 2 in middle next, top last! Enjoy!

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