Thursday, December 9, 2010

With 3 young boys, you have to kinda expect it!

Christmas pictures were fun (I mean, fun for me to have) last year, and so I planned for them to happen again. The outcome wasn't perfect, but not too shabby. Corey had a slight face rash, I was almost over my weird allergic reaction on my face, but the boys were lookin' good with no major bumps, bangs or bruises. Yes, we will be KEEPING the appointment.

The happy family!
Our Darling Boys!

Squeaky out 4 pretty good pictures!

Talk about LUCKY.... squeaked this one out. The next day Grant was stretching from my bed to my nightstand. His hand slipped and well, he hit with his face. I of course BASICALLY FREAK (nothing unusual)!!! His eye is bleeding in 2 spots, his lip is bleeding, but the worst is the bruise that is swelling rapidly from his nose to lip. OK, I can't imagine if this happened to an adult. We would be OUT for a day or two. Poor baby boy!


Lord have mercy. That looks like it hurts so BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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