Monday, November 29, 2010

My Favorite Things: Thankfulness Challenge Week 3

I love doing this challenge from the High Heeled Housewife blog that I enjoy. Check it out at: Ya know, if I knew how to link to her site I would, and (even blog well I would like: Fix my Clowart Clan to Cowart Clan in the header, Add blogs that I enjoy down the side, Organize my posts into: (boring) Family updates, Faith, Parenting, Love and Marriage, Misc. , but alas, I don't and will limp my blog along, smiling blissfully all the while.) I bunny-trailed.... OK....

FOCUS... Long day, and well, my kiddos need to get outside and run laps, but it is freezing outside.

Week 3 Challenge: Favorite Household Chore
This week instead of dreading doing your household chores, focus on your favorite household chair. Enjoy doing it!!

**True story, so when I first read this and saw this one I groaned to my husband, "Like I EVER like to clean. Ugh..." Thankfulness, right. Yeah.... My husband quickly responds, "At least you have a house to clean babe, and that it is nice, and that you get to be home and clean it- instead of going to work everyday." "Oh, sorry..." I sheepishly mumble. So embarrassed, and horrified AT MYSELF!!!! What a brat I was being. I AM thankful for my home and I love it and clean it multiple times daily to show my appreciation to my husband for all of his hard work. I also believe that a clean home is a haven where my husband can relax. Ahh.... so I clean away!

My favorite chore is VACUUMING. I love that I have to clean/ pick-up all of the rooms to vacuum and then when I am done, IT LOOKS AMAZING IN HERE! It just feels good to have it picked up, orderly and CLEAN. So I vacuum often, which is good with 3 small boys, and AM LOVIN' EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

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