Monday, November 15, 2010

Thankfulness Challenge: Week 1

As checking my heart in the area of thankfulness, I was challenge to blog on THANKFULNESS for 6 Mondays. This week I will be writing on this area:

my favorite part of being a wife or woman

My favorite part of being a wife or a woman is being NURTURING. I live with 4 men in our home, and adding nurturing, feminine touches is important in being a loving wife, a nurturing mother, and graceful homemaker (still working on that one!)

My husband is beyond amazing, beyond what I could have ever imagine, dreamed up or hoped for in a godly man, wonderful provider, great daddy, and best friend. Corey doesn't require or NEED much from me, but I know that nurturing, thoughtful gestures are cherished by him. My laying out needed items, calling on appts. for him, cooking him good meals that adhere to his diet allow my loving, nurturing side to bless him. They support him and let him know that when he is done with a long day at work, he is able to come home and be loved with small, nurturing gestures. I am thankful that I can support him that way. I like caring for others, but to do that as a blessing to those I love most is wonderful. Thank you God for the way that you wired us women.

My 3 little munchkins still need daily
nurturing. They need loving guidance and correction, gentle lessons and cuddles, kisses for bonks, bruises and owies, time while cooking together, patience for modeled activites, joyful playing, time to be heard and listened to, stories before bed, and kisses and snuggles at night. I am grateful to be a woman. God has gifted us with the ability to be nurturing. I think that nurturing behavior comes naturally to woman. I believe that it is suppose to be there, and it is a blessing to our families. I thank God that he blessed me with the gift of being nurturing. My family needs me to be living with a nurturing attitude vs. a selfish attitude.

I do believe that while nurturing comes easy with those we love the most, but that when we extend it out to others, it makes them feel loved and valued as well. When your guests are nurtured in your home through thoughtful planning, small details, etc. they know and are appreciative. So I challenge you ladies ~ Do it! Put your gift of NURTURING into action this holidays. * Being nurturing includes knowing what others need, and DOING it before they even need to ask. Somewhat, anticipating the needs of others. * What do others need from you? This is a gift God gave strongly to us women ~ one of our feminine strengths. Be thankful for the gift and let it be a blessing to others.

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