Monday, November 15, 2010

Because 2 is even cuter than one!

When it is a face that you ADORE, 2 is definitely EVEN CUTER than one!
I wanted to post a couple of cute pics of the youngest two. I have LOVED my extra time with Gavin and Grant while Gabriel is at Pre-School. I have been more focused on their learning as well.
We have been counting steps, trains and the like, now they are easily counting to 19 ... They (usually) know the ABCs. Have memorized Heb. 13:6 (The LORD is my helper. I will NOT be afraid.) and sing the days of the week.
Things that they occassionally know include shapes.
Colors.... oh, colors! They (when bribed with chocolate chips) CAN get most colors. We practice with paint samples from LOWES. My husband is convinced that they are either color-blind or JUST REALLY DON'T CARE. Or they are still two, young. :) These two monkeys are definitely NOT PLEASERS like our first born, but they are sunshine and joy. They may just required MORE help academically. AMEN, that I am an elementary teacher/specialist!

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