Friday, November 19, 2010

The Herd Overheard

My kids say some funny things ~ here are a rare few that I remember:

  1. After the first day of pre-school, as soon as we were all in the mini-van, GABE wails, " Mom, why didn't you teach me to color? (Tears welling) The kids said that I shriveled (scribbled- which I didn't know what he was saying, so I didn't know how to respond.) Trust me that night we practiced, I just thought that free, creative drawing was better/more important. I guessed wrong! ;)
  2. Me walking down the hall passing the bathroom, "DON'T TOUCH IT, FLUSH IT!"
  3. Grandpa B. on the phone with Gabe: "...I will bring down my RAIN GEAR." Gabe: "You have REINDEER??? YOU HAVE REINDEER!!!!!!!"
  4. Grant: "Uncle Brad, can I use your CANDY CANE?" (his cane-:)
  5. Random Stranger: Are they brothers or sisters? Me: Incredulously, as the twins are decked out in matching outfits head to toe (blue tops with dinosaurs, khaki brown pants, brown shoes, spiked hair) BROTHERS... Stranger: I just KNEW that they were related, something in their faces Me: (WHAT? Yeah something in their faces- maybe that they are the SAME IDENTICAL FACE wanting to be a brat, but biting my tongue) OK, thanks. Yup, we need to get moving.
  6. Gabe whispering, "Mom, she lied. Your hands AREN'T full, they're empty." :)
  7. "What do you want to thank GOD for tonight?" Gabriel: "That God is our Healer." *I tear up after the whole Crohn's and Corey thing.* Grant without missing a beat yells, "Praise God! Rock the Hou-ouse!" Then I start laughing/choking and crying. Kids are great!
  8. Gabe: Mom, you look different. Me: Well, I did my hair today. It's not in a ponytail. See... as I pull my hair back. Gabe: Whoa, that's MUCH BETTER!
  9. "Gavin, too close (to the fish pond)!!! You're going to fall in!" Gavin grinning, eyes dancing and twinkling with delight at even the thought, "YES PLEASE!"
  10. "Help mom! My privates are HUGE."
  11. Grant to Gavin: Lean over my knee. Gavin: No! Why? Grant: I think YOU KNOW why!
  12. "Thank shoe (you)" I am going to be SOOOO sad when that one is gone.
  13. Gabe: Mom, could you tell my teachers that I like have my bunsies pinched. Me: Nope, I am not going to be telling them that.

I am a mom of 3 young boys and their you have it! All the silly little things that cause Corey and I to giggle. Being a MOM is my joy. I love it. Kids crack me up and keep me young. Even on the hard, trying days trials are easily overshadowed by smiles, giggles, snuggles, hugs, wet kisses and random I LOVE YOU MAMAs, and then and there - my heart melts, my eyes well up and I smile and smooch my little angel babies until we are all laughing. Ahhh... what a blessing kids are. I know that I am blessed, triple blessed, and I am TRULY thankful for my 3 mini munchkins.

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