Saturday, December 18, 2010

Venturing out into the C*O*L*D! (aka STIR CRAZY!)

HOP ON YOUR BIKES KIDDOS! (trikes, but you get the idea!)
We are off to the park!
Gavin checks out the lightning tree. (See precious post)
All that is left is this stump.
So I place the munchkins on it for a picture!
Then it begins to rain, HARD ~ HARDER ~ then DOWNPOUR!
Gavin didn't seem to mind.

Nor did Gabriel to much!

He actually LOVED the rain.
I think that the poor kiddos adored being outside, out of the house, in nature, and being wildly silly! Ahhh... the joys of boys!
Well, that was fun! Anyone want some HOT COCOA?
To the BIKES and TRIKES!

Grant suggests our aprons for the job. Fine but I only have 2, so...
So how about a tank top of mine with a belt!
Ackward yes, but do they care a bit ~ NOPE!

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