Monday, December 20, 2010

Gingerbread House ~ Tradition with Daddy-O

So, last year I was informed that the Gingerbread House building and decorating WAS A DADDY thing (since he bought the gingerbread house from Costco) and that me doing it when Corey wasn't here, didn't make Papa Bear happy. This year I was "in sync" with Corey, and he REALLY does LOVE making this with the munchkins. I happily took pictures and did other kitchen chores without little ones underfoot.
Here they go. The house is together and the kids sorted the candies into little bowls.
Corey quickly piped on the icing and the boys anxiously began decorating.
Putting on the candy was thrilling for them.
Grant did a great job.
Gavin kept sneaking candy. Hmm... Go figure...
It's going good!
And DONE!!! "YEAH!"
Up close with the mound of sugary goodness!
My 3 little proud chefs!
What a work of art!
Oh and don't forget the TREE. Too bad we did, and didn't save him any candy! Oh well, there's always next year!

Enjoy Corey and the 3 lil' boyz working on a masterpiece, a tasty one!


  1. I love it! And, where did you get those "Mommy's Little Monkey" shirts?! I need one for Oliver! :-)

  2. Heidi~ These are from Gymboree Outlet. So you can check (call) the Gymbo. Outlet closest to you or grab one off of E-bay. I know, I love them too. so fitting for active little boys!


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