When I was young I totally questioned my parents, "WHY DO WE HAVE A GARDEN? THEY HAVE ALL OF THIS "STUFF" AT THE STORE!"
OK, now that I have money and run the home, I am wondering, "Why on Earth wouldn't you have a garden?" Everything is cheaper, yummier and organic. Soooooooo..... why wouldn't you have a garden.
Skip to this year. Last year was a crappy summer and our garden barely produced because produces NEED SUN. We didn't have any last year. So all the time, money, effort, back breaking weed pulling was almost in VAIN. I refused to do one this year, although I co-garden with my dad every year. Luckily my dad wasn't the quitter I am and decided to do one across the street at my uncle's in his back yard. HECK YA!!!! We have acccess to the goods again while not taking up our entire yard.
*** So, do you garden? Why or why not?
*** What do you have up? What do you love growing, that I should add to the family garden?
Nice! I'm really into container gardening right now. My tomatoes seem to do awesome, and I get fresh tomatoes until December usually! Chives, garlic and spinach are doing really well too! I had high hopes for Arugula. It was doing great but then went to seed. I think it needs much deeper soil for the root structure. Ditto for my broccoli. Love the pics!
I wish our yard had a spot where it gets enough sun so we could have a garden. Someday..... In the meantime, I'll steal a few peas from you :)
El Niño Y Tu Pilin
Los Dos Niños Que Se Encueren Y Tu Pilin Y Tu Culo
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