Monday, April 25, 2011

Hosting a Party ~ Pirate Party

We had another great party! Gabe wanted PIRATE party and I love planning, so we all enjoyed this one! I am a logical, list making planner so I started with THEME: followed by:
1. Cake idea (pirate cake)
2. Decorations (streamers, table topper, table cloth, table ware, pirate flag)
3. Games/Activity (treasure/sand hunt - Walk the Plank)
4. Food (fruit, veggies, chips and dip, punch)
5. Other (Costumes - patches, swords, hats, bandanas)

Wow, this one was easy. Pirate party ideas and decor are EVERYWHERE! (unlike my twin's polar party~ YIKES!)

So here is my 5 year old Pirate: Captain Gabriel!

  • Gabe and I decided to have everyone dress-up. I provided pirate bandanas, earrings, eye patches and swords. (Thank you Wal-Mart and Oriental Trading Company!)
Activity: Treasure Hunt in our Sand table for Gold pirate coins (200 pc.) and jewels (150 pc.)

Cake: Pirate Kind-of intimidating ~ but moderately easy! Just two rounds! Freeze after cutting though for easy frosting!

1 round for the head, half for the shirt, other half for the hat. Ears out of the hat pieces.

You need one can of white and one can of chocolate frosting, Hat is chocolate, shirt is white, face is 1/3 can white with 1 TB of chocolate for skin coloring. (Marshmellow nose.)

Fruit by the foot shirt stripes, mouth, and eye patch string. Life saver earring, Thin Mint cookie eye patch, 2 gum pieces for teeth, marshmellow and blue M&M for eye, and chocolate sprinkles for beard scruff! TA-DA!!

Alright! Now that we are ready and planned bring on party day! Go time!

Welcome and "dress-up" the guests! Eye patch for Gavie.

Balloon parrot for Grant-Grant!

Snap a quick pic of Gabe and his bestie Ellie! Ahhh.... young love! :)

And stop for a minute to admire my little cuties! Is it fair for them all to be so handsome!?

Seriously, HE'S FIVE!!!! Argh... I can't believe it!

OK, moving along. We costumed and fed our guests upon arrival, and then shimmied everyone OUTSIDE TO EAT. Less clean-up y'all!

10 points to my parents for dressing up to the GLEE of my boys!

Have a treasure HUNT for jewels and coins.

Yeah, they all thought it was beyond cool!

Gavin showing his treasure!

Game: yeah ~ well I had a "walk the plank" challenge for the kiddos, but I forgot and they all went up the the treehouse with their treasure anyway!

The grandpas!

Snap a quick picture of my bestie Jeanna!

Gabriel sneaking inside to get his gift ~ His first pet. 2 fish, 1 frog. Names: Bubble gum, Sticky and Froggy-Oggy. Over the freakin' moon for them!!!!

Tons of gifts, and maybe a huge, expensive gift from Mommy and Daddy. (The coolest pirate ship EVER, Yup we spoil them.)

Singing and CAKE!

5 candles, and a little bit more sugar! And that will leave you with a happy CREW!


  1. That cake turned out fabulous! Very creative momma!

  2. Ro had great fun and still plays with her eye patch.


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