Friday, December 17, 2010

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

This year for Christmas, we saved ourselves a BOATLOAD of moolah, due to our tree size. It was short and fat. The Short saved us $14 because we went 2 feet smaller than usual.
I loved the idea because Christmas trees are tricky for 4 reasons:
1. Hard to get the presents UNDER THE TREE due to low branches
2. Hard to water the tree through presents and being so close to the ground
3. Trying to water the tree causes you to bump the tree resulting in needles on the carpet.
4. Spilling makes a mess (rusty on the rug from the tree stand if you spill)

So for the first year we set the tree stand on a rubbermaid tote, upside down. It is perfect, taller and full (er... fat!), easy to vacuum, room for gifts and easy watering and CHEAPER!

Decorated and time for the star!
Gavin's turn being the star topper!
Now Mr. Grant in Green
Not bad for some amateurs!
It now feels like Christmas!

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