Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Working on Thankfulness!

As Thanksgiving is approaching, I was checking out my thankfulness. I do feel thankful, grateful and very blessed. God is GOOD. God cares for me and my family. Also I know, through expreience, that God allows trials to happen, with the hope that we GROW, learn to TRUST HIM more, and feel his LOVE. Corey's Crohn's Disease journey was indescribably HARD (no, that's not the word, but nobody can even remotely understand what we went through with a diagnosis in November, having twins in Dec. with a one year old at home.) Those were HARD (for lack of a better word), DARK times, BUT-BUT I KNOW that God carried us through, heard our cries, tears, whines and pleads. Yes, I can say with confidence that God is GOOD, loves us, and never forsakes us.

So I want to show my thankfulness for healing for my husband, for healthy, adorable twin boys, for a 1 year old whose sweetness is unmatched grew to be a fantastic big brother. Yes, God has grown our little family in many ways. We would have never picked that path, but are grateful for what we learned. (I am blabbing...) So, I am going to be posting every Monday things that I am the most Thankful for:

Nov. 15: My favorite part of being a wife or woman

Nov. 22: My favorite thing about my husband or family

Nov. 29: My favorite household chore

Dec. 6: My favorite part of the holiday season

Dec. 13: My favorite part of my home

Dec. 20: My favorite encouragement from the BIBLE

I can't wait~ I have so much to be thankful for!!! I hope that you start thinking about what YOU are thankful for in these categories and post them in my comments on these days, adding stories as well if you want to share. This was a challenge from the HighHeeled Housewife Blog that I enjoy!


  1. Oooh, I love this idea Karen! I look forward to reading your posts...I might do it on my blog as well!

  2. I'm so excited you're joining in on the challenge! It's going to be so much fun reading your posts!

    Brittany @ The High-Heeled Housewife


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