Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Gabriel's First Day of Pre-School

My little Sweet Pea is growing up and this September started Pre-School at Little Lamb.
He absolutely LOVES it and can't get enough of it! He enjoys his teachers and his Best Friend Ellie,
The books and the toys, but most of all he enjoys
SAMSON the class guinnea pig! Gavin and Grant beg to go in every day and pet/touch Samson. My boys want a pet so bad, but we all know how I feel about that (umm... NO!)

Getting to school is surprisingly a scramble to have all three boys:
1. Clean after Breakfast
2. Dressed CUTE
3. Hair spiked
4. Teeth brushed
5. Shoes on
6. Jacket on
7. Backpack found
Then myself:
1. Clean (enough- I am not claiming a shower necessarily)
2. Dressed (cute is attempted)
3. Hair (neatly ponytailed)
4. Teeth brush
5. Shoes
6. No Jacket - like I have time for that
7. Purse found, WITH KEYS IN IT!
Then at 8:53 a.m. we go screamin' out the door, dive into carseats, start the car, turn down a blarin' Mickey Mouse clubhouse CD, and zip briskly 3 and a half minutes to Pre-School, UNLOAD, and safely cross the parking lot, traipse down the stairs and deliver a Gabriel into his cute Pre-School after a Huge Hug.

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