Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So, I used to be cute, trendy and in-style now it would be a slippery slope for me to claim any of those titles. Hmmmm.....

I know that FRUMPINESS lurks around every corner, just BEGGING me to give in to all of those awful OLD LADY---OUT OF TOUCH MOM things to do. ( You know, like not shaving any more, wearing sweats, not getting your hair done in a STYLE, getting mom jeans, not having cute matching undies and bras, etc.) Now, as 32 is right around the corner for me, yes-this month- I will continue to do my all that I can to stay young, in touch, in style, decently trendy, and attempt cute daily.

Top 5 things I am doing to stay out of FRUMPY's reach:

1. I do get myself ready for the day before Corey gets home at 4:00 pm. Now while it may be 1:00 in the afternoon but I still dress, apply make-up and do my hair in some type of style.

2. I do force myself to go shopping for clothes for me (see, even that seems FRUMPY- young girls LOVE that--- now I just can't stay away from buying kids clothes.) by myself, so I can think and focus on what do I like, actually try it on, and buy what I like and need.

3. I refuse to buy FRUMPY SWIMSUITS. Now, this was tricky due to the HUGENESS of my stomach with twins-- Grotesquely GIGANTIC-- and the flabby skin part left over. So, I opt for the super cute tankini, taking pride in the arms and legs that still exist regardless of the stomach.

4. I NEVER, EVER leave the house without being "ready" for the day, even 8:00 doctor appt., early morning airport runs, or pre-school days. I refuse to go with FRUMPY and wear sweats, no make-up when out and about on the town.

5. I plan outings for me and other adults so although FRUMPY thinks my name is MAMA/MOMMY, I choose to remember that my name is Karen and I used to have interests and conversations that weren't JUST about kids. I used to enjoy jazz, ballets, shopping downtown, dancing, Norah Jones, scrapbooking and baking!

Frumpy and I square-off often as she begs me to give in to the EASY - LAZY life. But I feel that I owe it to myself, my husband and my family to take care of myself; do things that help me take pride in my life, where I am at and how far I have come. I do clean our house repeatedly, do dishes and laundry non-stop and watch and care for the health of my family. I keep the pulse of my kids feelings, temperments, and activities. I do little things that let my fabulous husband know I AM thinking about him. I do love him and am HEAD OVER HEELS for that man. I try to model God's love daily to my kids, my man, and everyone around me. Shining God's light is important to me and I do that best when I am KAREN (not Frump Lady).

What about you? How do you nourish your soul? How do you not lose yourself completely in Mommy Land? What do you do to fight off FRUMPY so that you have self-confidence, contentment, joy and peace?

The Cheerful, Sassy, Cute, 31 yr. old, proud Mommy of 3, Wife of a Hottie, Non-Frumpy,


1 comment:

  1. Karen, I have always looked up to you for keeping yourself as a priority when you have those busy, busy boys to take care of and teach. You have kept your sex appeal and that is something many moms can't say. You make sure everyone knows you are not only a mom, but a women, too. Keep up the good work!


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