Friday, October 29, 2010

Hamburger Man

What do you do for dinner when you don't really have much food in the house, need to go shopping and the hungry hubby is going to be home in 30 minutes? You make Hamburger man for dinner.
You don't need buns - because we know I don't have any (grocery store), Just hamburger and random condiments. Empty out the refrigerator baby!!!
For condiments I get out a platter and start throwing lettuce *hair* on, pickles sliced length-wise (legs), avocado slices *arms* , cheese, olives *eyes*, and then use ketchup and mustard to finish the face. The beauty is: FAST, EASY and picky eaters can put on what they want, and kids love cooking and creating therefore eating more dinner. We love to joke and say, "I'm eating his LEG!" Add some chips/trail mix/ fruit whatever you have and that is dinner folks. Easy, peasy!
Grant's Hamburger man!

Gavin's Hamburger Man

Showing you that he eats tomatos!

Gabriel's Hamburger Man

Gabe's a little closer!

My Hamburger Man- Yum! Oh and I went grocery shopping after the kiddos were in bed.

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