Wednesday, October 27, 2010


So we had some extra boxes in our garage, and Corey was goofing around with his three little disciples (the 3 G's) and because he is World's Best Daddy (WBD), he built them a FORTRESS. Why - just because he loves them and wants them to KNOW they are loved deeply! Yes, it is one GIANT computer box, one medium kid BBQ box and a small shoebox sized box. Later trapdoors and chimneys were added because, ya know, he's WBD! :)
So here are the 4 handsome guys in our garage/ second play room!
Now suddenly Corey challenges the boys to trust him and climb through. Here begins the "miracle." Ridiculously small box - they trust him and all make it. Probably because he is the WBD!!

Grant (a.k.a. the biggest chicken of them all, but a DADDY's BOY) goes first.

such a tight squeeze that they can't make it with their heads straight.

"I did it Daddy. I B(r)AVE!"

Here comes Gabe, deciding hands out front or in the back doing the fish dance.

figuring out the cocking the head sideways!

Ta-Da! Made it just fine, especially with Mommy and Daddy cheering him on and Corey coaching him!

Here comes wild man GAVIN!

Trying out the possibility of one hand out front/ one back. No room. He did a SuperMan with Corey pulling him out!

No sweat! Just needed a helping hand from the WBD!

Ahh, the fortress!

Now, this fortress soon was markered day one, crayons day 2, paint day 3, glue sticks and scissors and old magazines day 4, and flashlights were day 5. Yes my kids played constantly with this fortress for 5 blessed days! Thank you Corey for being the WBD and giving me practically a 5 day vacation! Loved that FORTRESS!

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