Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Children spell LOVE " T-I-M-E "

I have been off the computer for awhile due to a few things:

1. Children spell love " TIME "

2. Summers are the BEST in the Pacific Northwest. Meaning that we can get outside in the sunshine.

3. Summer is not near as scheduled or rountine oriented.

4. My boys are YOUNG, and they don't stay small. My boys are young and still ADORE their mommy and I will cherish every minute of the snuggling, conversations, giggles, games of chase and more. (I cannot not do that when I am on the computer, because I am preoccuppied. I was checking out FaceBook, Craigslist, E-bay, blogging, and doing e-mail. None of those 5 things NEED me, and they were taking me away from 3 precious, little boys who DO NEED me, desire my attention, need training in obedience and manners, need guidance and discipline, and need teaching through all the little discoveries of daily activities. I am privledged to be a mom. Many ladies desire to be a mom and are not ABLE to have children. I work/strive to take parenting these 3 blessings seriously and do a GREAT job.) So, long story short- I went almost off-line.

So, this summer we played, laughed, camped and had a BALL. I had so much fun, we all did! The sad thing was, that at the park (store- restaurant - mall - playland - fill in the blank) most of the other moms were so busy still being on-line. They were TEXTING. Their parents were so preoccuppied. They weren't playing with their children, watching them, visiting with them, talking with them, teaching them, laughing with them. They were TEXTING. The parents were there physically, but they weren't THERE for their children. The sad thing was is that the children CRAVED their parent's attention and the parent's were TOO BUSY TEXTING.

That is so sad and ridiculous. It is a small rectangluar BOX. It isn't ALIVE, it doesn't LOVE you, it doesn't NEED you and all these parent's are losing precious time with their children.

Children don't stay young. Children will some day desire to hang out with their friends over their parents. Children grow up, quickly.

So now I am still Facebook free (about 3 months! YEAH ) Not such a Craigslist junkie, decided to sell on E-bay and make money as opposed to aimlessly checking out STUFF, do e-mail every 3 days, and decided to only blog during naptime.

Yes, fall is here. Gabriel is in PRE-SCHOOL and rountines are back in place. We are all dressed, bathed, fed, beds made and teethbrushed by 8:45 am to be at Little Lambs Pre-School by 9:00 am. He is loving it and has made a bunch of new friends. I am getting extra time with Gavin and Grant, Gabriel is learning oodles, Corey and I are blessed beyond imaginable, and our lives are happy, organized and prioritized.

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