Friday, July 16, 2010

An Arsenal of FIREWORKS

When Corey does something, he does it wholeheartedly; the right way. So when Corey goes and buys fireworks, he ends up going all out! We do have 3 boys and Corey KNEW that they would love fireworks so thus began the arsenal on our mantle.

Starting July 1st thru the 4th, we spent $50-60/per day. We rode (Gabe on his bike, Corey on the bike pulling the twinnies) and I ran to ALL of the firework stands in our area.

Every night we also did our own small nieghborhood show, just because WE CAN!
By the 4th, we had a full TOTE of fireworks!

Gabriel could hardly stand the wait.
OH, and glow bracelets and necklaces from the Dollar Tree.

We spent the 4th at my parents', with the family. Here are all the cousins. Yes, half are mine!

After dinner, we went to the duck pond right up the road! It is fun EVERY time!

My Uncle Brad is up from Florida and is almost ready to move into the house across the street. Corey and I bought him a scooter to help him get around. All of the kiddos wanted one too, or at least a ride.
Uncle Brad and Lance

Uncle Brad and Gavin

It's not dark yet, but we were beginning some fireworks.
sparklers, snakes, pop-its, smoke bombs, etc
Gavin looking a little sleepy already!

My sister and Mom with Grant!

Corey looking for more small fountains, etc.

It is FINALLY dark enough!
Cleaning up before the BIG show!
Alaina and Gavin snuggled up enjoying the show!

Andy, Corey and my Dad were all lighting off fireworks 3 at a time due to the SHEER volume of fireworks!
Well done Corey!

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